Friday, 11 September 2009

1.5 - eBooks: Activity 1


The eBook; "Unleashing the killer app: digital strategies for market dominance" is about the progress technoligy is making. The book explains to reader the killer app which is something which takes over from an existing item by improving it .Examples of killer apps throughout history include the Welsh longbow, the pulley, the compass, moveable type, and the Apple Macintosh. The purpose of the eBook is to give readers 12 steps to appling killer apps to their own organisations to transform them into thriving business's which create their own.


The format of the eBook is HTML so it can be used on all internet enabled computers and PDA's alike.


The structure of "Unleashing the killer app..." is a html page with all images and colours included in the paper back book. It is structured as a normal paperback but features interactive text.


The navigation is all scroll and click as it is only html. The scroll feature shows all pages going vertically down. There is also a links box, this has links to some key pages in the book.

Strengths & Weaknesses:

The strengths of the HTML is that everyone with access to the internet can view it, it is also very simply layed out thus making it easy to use. Its weaknesses is that it is HTML only so you cannot download it directly to an eBook reading device from the website.
Even though it...can only be viewed online it still fulfills its purpose as it gives readers an alternative way to read the book.

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