Tuesday, 13 October 2009

1.2 - Ambulance Services - Activity 2

Some ambulance workers have been forced to work in their ambulances throughout their shift. This idea was introduced so that paramedics could arrive at a scene faster than ever before. This idea was thought of off of the base that there were more crimes and injuries in certain areas so ambulance workers were positioned nearer to those areas rather than staying at the station until a call comes in. This means that on a slow day paramedics could be stuck in their ambulance all day without even going to a call. Although this is an efficient way to work it has caused problems within the workers and many complaints came in (basically as soon as it started in the 90's).
However, the new ICT is very effective. Even though the ambulance workers are having a hard time sitting in the ambulance all day; it is saving MORE lives, so think about which is more important? Furthermore, callers can be traced to their areas so if they are unable to continue speaking to a reciever, then paramedics can just go to the scene and find out the problem. Sat Nav's can get ambulances to the scene in the quickest possible way too.
I think that if the ambulance workers are more concerned about where they are stationed over saving more lives, they are obviously in the wrong proffession.


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